Monday 25 August 2008


  1. Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen (JBM) - Volume 2 No. 3 Mei 2006 (Download).
  2. Simposium Nasional Akuntansi X – Unhas Makasar 26-28 2007 (Download).

Sunday 24 August 2008

Manajemen Pemasaran

  1. Service Quality Attributes Affecting Customer Satisfaction for Bus Transit - Journal of Public Transportation, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2007 (Download).
  2. A Model of Customer Satisfaction with Service Encounters Involving Failure and Recovery - Journal of Marketing ResearchVol. XXXVI (August 1999), 356–372 (Download).
  3. A Structural Equation Model of Customer Satisfaction and Future Purchase of Mail-Order Speciality Food International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2006 (Download).
  4. The Fuzzy Evaluation of E-Commerce Customer Satisfaction - World Applied Sciences Journal 4 (2): 164-168, 2008 (Download).

Akuntansi dan Keuangan

  1. Reaksi Pasar Terhadap Peristiwa Stock Split Yang Terjadi Di Bursa Efek Jakarta BEJ - Skripsi (Download)
  2. Faktor-Faktor yang mempengaruhi Kinerja Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Pada Bank Umum Pemerintah Di Wilayah Surabaya dan Sidoarjo - Jurnal Penelitian (Download)
  3. Intertemporal Equilibria in the Public Banking Sector in Turkey - Journal of Economic and Social Research 6 (1), 19-32, 2003 (Download).